Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Trip to Korea

My husband and I were out of misawa and went to Korea for a week to trip and see my family. We prepared leave form and registered name on space A email on Saturday 8am. Even though we needed to register our name again on Monday morning for travel, It was worth of trying registering name before the show time. 

This time it took more time even though there wasn't much people on space A for pcsing because we needed to be in the conference room with other people and wait till they finish their processing. I understood the situation. It really helps to finish writing form down If you prepare a pen with you. A pen is not provided easily and there are many people without having any pens with them. 

Few dollar is needed to ride on a taxi to main gate. ($2.60 is basic fee) Don't let taxi drivers take chances without noticing passenger on the taxi. they are sometimes pretty rude and does that action without letting us know. 

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