Sunday, February 22, 2015

Living in Misawa can be tough!

Have you ever thought about buying any of your favorite chips online? Realizing such a small selection we can choose from commisary, We have thought about purchasing chips online as a bulk. I was in the states almost a year before I really started to settle down in Misawa for the 4 yeard of journey, I didn't even think about finding a chip that we like or buying fruits and vegetable can be hard thing. When we were in Vegas, We lived across from Wal-Mart and Costco. couple blocks down the street, there was Smith's and Farmers Market. We had such a nice selection of food and places that we can choose from. Here in MIsawa, We have commisary and BX then off base grocery stores such as Universe, Home mac and Asahi Drugstore. Fruit comes with a small bag and price is ridiculous. People is talking about Farm around this area and Fruits store, however it is certain that we have a very very limited selection of the food and fresh products. 

Last night, I had a dream of buying 2lb strawberry, kiwi, watermelon (which is about $30 in Japan), and many of items and bringing them to home! I certainly miss all of those things..


  1. Hi! Pretty soon I'll be moving to Misawa myself and I have a few questions and things I'm confused about. If you don't think it would be a problem could you email me so we could talk about them? I'm not even sure if you're active on this blog anymore so you may not get it but I figured it's worth a shot! Thank you so much for all this info regardless. My email is and I'm Elisha by the way :)

    1. Hi there! I am so sorry that I was not keeping up with the blog. I am pretty sure that you are already in Misawa, JP. I hope your tour in Misawa is wonderful and you to make lots of great memories. Thanks for leaving a comment.

  2. I am Nancy. I am moving to Misawa soon, early June 2018, to accompany my husban. Glad to find your blog to get some ideas about life over there. Good be great to receive some tips from you, i.e. where to buy reasonable price food, how to get around with limited Japanese, how to get job or stay sane in such a small town etc. If you have time, please email me at
